Bone Density Weight Is There A Correlation Between Weight And Bone Density?

Is there a correlation between weight and bone density? - bone density weight

How can you tell if the bone is denser than others? I have a friend who is 5'11, and I'm 5'7 - which weighs the same, but it looks thinner than she is. The bones are more dense it is and how we can say that?


getfredu... said...

Yes, Julie;

There are many (too many to list) scientific efforts in the Journal of the AMA ... Here is a ... ...

enjoy their studies.

EDIT: Sorry, I saw the other question. ) Some fitness centers (and the entire hospital is the composition of her body with the mass, but can not be free. I do not know, a "quick and dirty way to get this response.

In addition, if a height difference of 4 in the same weight class, which are thinner, then the body has much more fat than you. This calculation can be done with tweezers and a water tank (once again .. Some health clubs in these "service offering").


Hamish said...

I think maybe a little because the bone must provide more support to the weight

SparkyLe... said...

The only way to know is to have a bone density test.

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