I Need A Wii Product Code How Many Wii Points Do You Need To Get The Internet Channel On The Wii, Also How Much Does It Cost?

How many wii points do you need to get the internet channel on the wii, also how much does it cost? - i need a wii product code

How many Wii points are necessary to get the Internet Channel on the Wii, so how much does it cost?


Charles L said...

Do, in fact, you do not wiipoints. You just need a decent Internet connection and the Wii Shop Channel ... D = O and Wii

Mushroom... said...

The channel will cost 500 Wii points, five U.S. dollars.

Pig said...

He is 500 points, the five U.S. dollars. You have an option for $ 5.00, if you have a Wii Points Card. So when you pay with your credit card is $ 10.00, but the Internet channel is still 500 points.

Ike said...

Well, if you object on the WiiWare channel to buy, it costs one cent per point. 1C = 1p. So, if the cost of the Internet Channel of 500p (which is what happened), it will cost 500 points x $ 0.01 = $ 5.00. Thus, it costs 500 Wii Points, the $ 5.

Luigi Time! said...

You need 500 points for the Wii Internet Channel and costs $ 5.00

newfie_g... said...

Chanel Internet = 500 points
2000 points = $ 20 plus taxes
worthwhile. You pay only once, then sell it. No monthly payments

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