President Herbert What Happened Between President Herbert Hoover And The Bonus Army?

What happened between president herbert hoover and the bonus army? - president herbert

I need to know everything, like:
That against them?
What were the ideas of the Hoover on the Bonus Army.
Anythng really can have it!
I need it for a project.


Anonymous said...

In 1932's, Hoover did not want to pay veterans of World War their bonus Veterinary early retirement (contributions are not "ripe" until 1945, but people have suffered terribly during the crisis and wanted to be an exception) to come to Washington protests, and ordered the creation of a () from the slum of cardboard boxes, etc. .... Hoover was the military attack and burning their huts and killed many people (the attack was by MacArthur, Patton, and that even during the Second World War, etc. ).... but it managed is not knowledge in general ... have to turn some sources, a real reference for more information ... Try a free, etc. .. Wikipedia has a good overview ...

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